ESG and ED&I

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. This measurement has come from the investment community. Investors review these factors as part of their analysis process to gain a wider understanding of the businesses in which they invest.

Companies are realising the importance of understanding their impact on the environment and both their internal and external stakeholders, and are increasingly reporting on these areas of their business.

In this hub, you will find a broad range of guidance, expert advice, and practical information designed to help develop your understanding of ESG, and what might be expected from end clients, and investors.

There is no one exhaustive list of ESG examples. ESG factors are often interlinked, and it can be challenging to classify an ESG issue as only an environmental, social, or governance issue, as shown in the resources below

You will also find a range of guidance, expert advice, and practical information designed to help develop your understanding of ED&I and enhance your work in this area. These resources will be updated on a regular basis to keep you informed and up to date on ED&I matters.