The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) is a leading source of research and insight on the professional recruitment sector in Asia. Its data and analysis are widely used by recruitment firms, Government, employer organisations and economists to help identify and assess the trends in professional talent that are critical to Asia's broader economic success.

All APSCo research is free to members and designed to add real business value.

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Global Insights - Spotlight on US Market

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How To Protect Your Recruitment Agency From Identity Fraud by Bullhorn

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Bullhorn GRID survey

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The Workplace Learning Report

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Global Talent Trends by LinkedIn

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How recruiters can make The Great Resignation work

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Remaining competitive in a post-COVID world

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Choosing the right Contractor Management Organisation for you

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Why leveraging a contractor workforce can increase efficiency for agencies and end-clients

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Is Your Organisation Resilient Against IT Risks?

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Part 1: Building Your Overseas Investment Structure

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The Search for Technology Talents