Supporting entire recruitment careers

From a recruiter’s early career right through to leadership, our range of talent development courses is designed to support all of your people, whatever stage they may be at.

To find out more about our training and request current pricing, email [email protected].

Our Courses

Foundation Recruiter Programme

The Foundation Recruitment Programme consists of three courses perfectly designed to provide the foundation on which to build a successful career in recruitment. It will develop the essential skills required to work with candidates and clients and create confidence to succeed in a professional recruitment environment. Download the programme overview here.

Delivered over three months, the programme offers three one-day courses
  • Resourcing & Candidate Management: Get the upper hand on the competition by learning how to identify, profile, qualify key talent, forge great relationships, and manage candidates through the recruitment process.

  • Recruitment Sales: Sell with confidence by learning how to uncover your clients' needs, effectively sell your services, handle objections, and close the deal in today's highly competitive marketplace.

  • Creating & Growing Client Relationships: Learn how to become a trusted partner, run fantastic meetings, and build relationships through a consultative approach to build your business and long-term success.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Increased confidence in managing the entire recruitment process.
  • Be able to source new and hard-to-find candidates by developing effective networks. 
  • Engage with top talent throughout the recruitment process.
  • Effective questioning for both candidates and clients.
  • Confidence to present recruitment solutions.
  • Become a Trusted Partner and create long-term, meaningful client relationships.

Experienced Recruiter

For recruiters with 18 months+ of experience, APSCo offers training to build on core skills, elevate billings, and develop careers promoting recruiters from good to great performance.
All courses can be utilised as stand-alone training or to complement your in house training.

Courses we offer:

  • Land & ExpandElevate your recruiters beyond just quick wins by mastering the tactics, tools, and techniques to successfully penetrate key accounts, maximise existing contacts, and ultimately build lasting and profitable relationships.
  • Strategic Sales: Enable your consultants to create a structured quarterly business development plan that will allow them to win more business, propelling your company to new levels of growth and profitability.

FastTrack CMI Leadership Development Programme

The only fast track CMI leadership programme developed with CMI specifically for the professional recruitment sector. For those taking the qualification, the programme leads to the Certificate in Principles of Management and Leadership level 3 qualification and Foundation Chartered Management status.

Delegates will benefit from highly experienced trainers, a learning support coordinator, and comprehensive resources from the Management Direct Learning Hub. The programme is suitable for aspiring, new, or established managers. Download the programme overview.

Key Takeaways:

  • Build a management toolkit by understanding training, development, succession, planning, and capability.
  • Learn how to engage your team and communicate effectively to meet individual and company goals.
  • Balance priorities and manage workloads to ensure optimum performance.
  • Discover how to support individual team members to perform at their best.
  • Understand how to identify and select development opportunities for individuals and teams, which will boost the long-term success of your company.
  • Gain the ability to communicate with and motivate a high-performing team, which is essential to success.
  • Understand how to respond to challenges and avoid pitfalls when proactively managing a team.

CMI Level 5 Advanced Leadership Programme

Created in partnership with the CMI, the Level 5 Advanced Leadership Programme offers directors, middle and senior leaders the opportunity to develop the strategic skills required to grow a professional recruitment business, build successful teams, and drive ambitious performance. The programme balances the practical with the rigours of a formal qualification, focusing on principles of leadership, coaching, and mentoring. Download the programme overview.

Three days of classroom / virtual learning
  • Effective Leadership – Culture, power and Ethics: Reviewing leadership practices, learners will evaluate leadership in organisations, understanding responsible leadership and the impact of external and internal factors. The course will also examine power dynamics, provide a situational leadership framework, and enable you to map your style along with your team.
  • Inspiring Leadership – Empowerment and Accountability: On day 2, delegates will explore how to achieve organisational objectives and evaluate empowerment and trust in order to build cohesive teams who are capable of adapting to change.
  • Advanced Leadership – Coaching and Mentoring: On day 3, delegates will explore the similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring, gaining a greater understanding of the purpose of each. Learners will be introduced to coaching models and the process of coaching. In the final part, delegates will analyse skills and competencies, discuss evaluation strategies, and assess approaches to ensure results.

Action Learning Workshop: Learners will benefit from three two-hour workshops designed to extend the learning. They will discuss practical application, build on themes introduced in the training days and provide peer to peer support to tackle leadership challenges.

1:1 Coaching: All learners will have three 1:1 coaching sessions where they will be supported by an expert coach.

Assessment Tutorials: In the two two-hour tutorials, learners will be supported in their writing skills and in the consolidation of their learning to ensure confidence for assignment preparation and writing.

Assessment: In order to complete the qualification, there will be two practical assignments, for which delegates are given tutor support and extensive CMI resources.

Key Takeaways:

  • Provide assessment and development planning to enhance your personal leadership skills, behaviours, style and potential
  • Step back from operational issues and think strategically about your role and contribution
  • Greater understanding of the internal and external factors that impact leadership capability
  • Empower your teams and build trust
  • Use tools and techniques to create a cohesive and accountable teams 
  • Respond to the evolving needs of stakeholders